A Baptism preparation class must be taken prior to the birth of your child. Please contact the parish office for more information and to schedule a baptism.
The Baptism class is an overview of the theology of the Sacrament of Baptism and a walk-through of the Rite itself. Parents must attend this preparatory class prior to the birth of their child.
Documents to register for a baptism and for a baptismal sponsor (a godparent) are available on the “Forms and Documents” page.
If you or an adult you know wants to be baptized or are interested in becoming Catholic, please contact the parish office. Special classes will be arranged as needed.
Adults who want to receive their First Confession, Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion should contact the parish office.
For information about Sacramanetal Preparation for young students, visit the Faith Formation page. Contact the contact the parish office if you any questions.
The form for a confirmation sponsor is available on the “Forms and Documents” page.
Visit the Mass & Reconciliation page for the current schedule of Mass times.
On April 1, 2021, Bishop Folda announced that the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is reinstated beginning May 1, 2021. Available document: text of Bishop Folda’s Decree.
Visit the Mass & Reconciliation page for the current schedule of Reconciliation.
You are encouraged to seek the Sacrament of the Sick if you are suffering from a serious illness or are going to be admitted to the hospital for surgery. Please contact the pastor or the parish office to schedule a time to be anointed.