The theme for “World Day For Grandparents and the Elderly” in 2024 is:
In the United States, this “World Day” will be celebrated on September 8, 2024.
In this year of preparation for the Jubilee of 2025, which the Holy Father wishes to be devoted to prayer, the theme of the World Day is taken from Psalm 71:9, the plea of an elderly person who reflects on the story of his friendship with God.
In his 2024 Message, Pope Francis reminds us of Ruth, who remained at the side of the elderly Naomi. She became an ancestor of the Messiah (cf. Mt 1:5), Jesus, Immanuel, “God with us”, the one who brings God’s own closeness and proximity to all people, of all ages and states of life. You may read his full message online at the Vatican website or download the PDF document:
In 2022, Pope Francis’ Wednesday audience catecheses were reflections on old age. The 18 talks are available online from the Vatican website. It has also been compiled into a downloadable PDF document for those who do not have access to or prefer not to read the texts on a web browser:
Pope Francis’
Catechesis on Old Age
For additional resources, visit the Diocese of Fargo World Day For Grandparents and the Elderly page.
In 2021, Pope Francis established a “World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly”, to take place each year on the fourth Sunday in July (this date was chosen because it is close to the feast day of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus). The bishops in the United States transferred the celebration to the Sunday in September after Labor Day to coincide with National Grandparents Day in the United States (see the USCCB website).