St. Benedict Cemetery is located at 11705 38th Street South, Horace, ND.
In March 2024, St. Benedict Church moved to a new site in Horace. St. Benedict Cemetery remains in operation at its current location. In fact, there have been discussions to expand it. St. Benedict Cemetery will be around serving Catholics for many, many generations to come. To support the upkeep of the cemetery, consider a donation to the cemetery endowment (see information below).
St. Benedict’s Cemetery has been the final resting place for Catholics from Wild Rice and Horace since the 1880s. As of 2020, over 650 people are interred in this sacred ground.
To purchase a plot or for information about burials, contact the parish office.
There is an endowment which supports the upkeep of the cemetery. To make a contribution, visit the Donation page and click the “Cemetery Endowment” link.
At this time, St. Benedict Cemetery does not publish a directory of those buried in the cemetery.
The Find-A-Grave website is a catalog of tombstones and grave markers in cemeteries throughout the world. Because it is maintained by volunteers, the information may not be correct or up-to-date. However, it does contain many of the graves in St. Benedict Cemetery. St. Benedict Cemetery does not contribute to Find-A-Grave nor does it guarantee the results of its search tool. However, it may contain the information you are looking for.
Text on a well-worn tombstone: “A le mémoire de Cyrille J. Tessier Ne Le 5 Fevrier 1898 Mort Le 4 Septembre 1899 age de 18 Mois et 29 Jours” (“In memory of Cyrille J. Tessier, born February 5, 1898, died September 4, 1899, age 18 months, 29 days”). The inscription on the very bottom on the marker: “DIEU L’A DONNÉ, / DIEU L’A ÁTE / QUE VON SAINT NOM SAIT BÉNI.” This is a verse from the Book of Job (chapter 1, verse 21): “The Lord gives, the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Over 65 military veterans are buried in St. Benedict’s Cemetery. Every year, the Horace American Legion Post 293 provides honors for our deceased veterans. For more details, see Memorial Day on the parish calendar.