On the Feast of St. Joseph, Friday, March 19th, Fr. Jasinski consecrated St. Benedict’s Parish to St. Joseph. To Consecrate yourself and your family to St. Joseph, download the Consecration to St. Joseph handout (PDF). For more information, visit the Consecration to St. Joseph page.
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the universal Church, Pope Francis announced that a Year of St. Joseph will be held between December 8, 2020 and December 8, 2021.
On the same day as announcing this special year, Pope Francis issued a letter on St. Joseph. It opens with the words, “Joseph loved Jesus … with a father’s heart”. It is divided into seven sections in which the pope provides brief reflections on seven attributes of the heart of St. Joseph, the heart of a father: “a beloved father”, “a tender and loving father”, “an obedient father”, “an accepting father”, “a creatively courageous father”, “a working father” and “a father in the shadows”. It is a document every men,—especially every father—can use as points of reflection for prayer. Links to the document are available from the Diocese of Fargo’s “Year of St. Joseph” web page (www.fargodiocese.org/st-joseph).
On the Diocese of Fargo’s “Year of St. Joseph” web page is a flyer on the “Year of St. Joseph”. The introduction summarizes the objective of this year: “All the faithful will thus have the opportunity to commit themselves, with prayer and good works, to obtain, with the help of St. Joseph, head of the heavenly Family of Nazareth, comfort and relief from the serious human and social tribulations that besiege the contemporary world today.” Also available are some common prayers to St. Joseph.
As we turn to Mary, the Mother of God, for her help, may we ever more increasingly turn to St. Joseph, Jesus’ legal father, for his fatherly care, protection and guidance. May the “Year of St. Joseph” bring great spiritual benefit to St. Benedict. May it touch the hearts of all men, inspiring them to be better husbands and fathers.
St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and patron of the universal church, pray for us.
Links to PDF documents on the Diocese of Fargo “Year of St. Joseph” page: